Wednesday 10 July 2019

Nigerian lady recounts how she stopped being a 'runs' girl

Nigerian lady recounts how she stopped being a

Taking a walk down memory lane, a Nigerian lady took to Facebook to recount how she stopped being a 'runs' girl. 

Ngo Sika noted that 'runs is a bit advanced' than having sugar daddies, as one most times she does not know the person she will have sex with following a hook-up by friends. The Nigerian lady revealed that she took the decision to stop sleeping with men for money in February 2018, after her boss gave her money for a decent accommodation which was way bigger than any man has ever given her. 
She wrote; 
I did a lot of things in the past without a tangible excuse. Sleeping with men for money was one of them. Runs as it's popularly called. I knew I hated every bit of runs; it's a different thing to have 1 or 2 sugar daddies.
Runs is a bit advanced. In runs, sometimes you do not know the man you are going to gbensh, you fit just get a call from a friend asking if you are free tonight and that's it, you are off to fuck a man you have never met before.
While some ladies make a decent living out of runs, I knew I would not be successful as a runs girl; I felt dirty after every ordeal; I hated it and so the money I made out of runs, I usually gave out, to the needy.
Around February last year, my boss gave me some cash to look for decent accommodation. The amount he gave me, no man in runs had given me, the money was way higher than my monthly salary. Then and then, I told myself that I was too great to open my leg for any man that had a change in his hand.
I changed my mindset and used my last card to register in NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY. Still best decisions of 2018. I made a pact with the universe, that If I can have or be whatever I desire to be (according to Ozy Ik teachings) then I want to go to school and live a life that I personally will be proud of, IN ABUNDANCE.
It was hard from the beginning; I was always scared of being broke, hungry, or homeless.  But now, everything has finally fallen into place.
The blessings are overwhelming; most people I meet now just want to help me. Men do not look at me as a mere sex object anymore. People are interested in hearing what I have to say. And all these have happened and continued to happen because I STARTED TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE QUEEN IN ME.

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