When Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared to the women at the garden tomb first. He told them to go tell the disciples. Word quickly got out that Jesus was alive, and everyone was so excited! There was great joy among all the disciples—all except one, Thomas.
Thomas said, "Hey, wait a minute, guys. I'm a believer. I love Jesus. I know He promised that He would come back to life. I understand that those women said they saw Him. But unless I see Him with my own eyes, unless I feel the nail prints in His hands, unless I touch the scars in His side, I'm not going to believe."
Understand that Thomas spent as much time with Jesus as the other believers. You might say he "grew up in church." In other words, he knew all the scriptures. He knew all the right answers. Deep down, he wanted to believe, but his mind was filled with doubts.
A few days later, the disciples were gathered together when all of the sudden, Jesus came walking through the door. At first, they thought it was a ghost, but soon recognized that it was Jesus. What's interesting is that Jesus didn't go over to Peter and say, "Hello." He didn't go over to Matthew and give him a big hug. He didn't go over to John and say, "Hey! I'm back. It's great to see you!" No, Jesus headed straight toward Thomas. He didn't go out of His way to show Himself to the people who had the most faith. Instead, He went right over to the one disciple who had the most doubt. Jesus looked Thomas in the eyes and said, "Thomas, I've heard what you've said about Me. I've heard you don't believe. You have questions. You have doubts. And you know what, Thomas? That's okay. That's why I've come to you first. Go ahead and feel the nail prints in My hands. Touch the scars on My side. I want to assure you of this, Thomas. I'm a faithful God, and I will do what I have promised."
Today, know that your doubts don't drive God away. He doesn't write us off and close the door. In fact, God is so merciful that those doubts can actually draw Him to us! He loves us so much and will do whatever it takes to reveal Himself to us. When we go through things we don't understand, God doesn't expect us to be superhuman. He just wants us to keep looking for Him. He wants us to keep the door of our hearts open. Thomas was open. He wanted the truth, and He wanted to find it out for himself.
Today, know that it doesn't matter if you have doubts; it doesn't matter if you have questions because God looks beyond your doubts and sees your heart. He is faithful. Stay open and keep looking for Him today, and He will reveal Himself to you just like He did to Thomas!
I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief! (Mark 9:24, NIV)
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