Wednesday 29 April 2015

Top NFL prospect wanted for questioning in brutal murder of his eight-months-pregnant ex-girlfriend

A predicted first-round pick in Thursday's NFL draft is wanted for questioning by police in Baton Rouge in relation to the death last week of his pregnant ex-girlfriend.

Former LSU offensive lineman La'el Collins isn't currently considered a suspect, but police wish to speak to him to see if he can provide information about Brittney Mills, 29, who was killed at her home.

Mills, who was eight months pregnant, was shot multiple times on Friday night. She was pronounced dead at a local hospital, where her unborn child was removed and is expected to survive.

Investigators believe Mills knew her killer and that she was shot for refusing to let the gunman take her car.

Collins is currently preparing for the draft in Chicago, but his attorney told ESPN that he has been in constant contact with the lead detective on the case.

'We took the investigation seriously,' said Jim Boren. 'We've tried to rule him out as a suspect. We're going to provide that information to the police, and ultimately [Collins] will sit down and talk to them. But the timing is poor.'

Collins is reported to be using a private investigative firm to prove that he wasn't close to Mills' home when she was murdered.

'We have identified where La'el was the day the lady was murdered to establish he was nowhere around,' Boren told ESPN.

'We have offered to give names, witnesses who can vouch for his whereabouts that day until after the woman's body was discovered.

'We believe that when [police] have verified that information, that they will rule him out as a suspect in the homicide, just as I believe he should be.'

Many NFL teams are keen to find out if Collins was the father of Mills's child as they ponder drafting him.

Mills, who was about nine months pregnant, had recently had a baby shower and also has a 10-year-old daughter,

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