Tuesday 21 April 2015

Ndigbo deserve respect- Elliot Uko

The 2015 election have come and gone, but the spate of abuses poured on the great Igbo nation by all sorts of characters, from all quarters is both annoying and eye opening. Some blamed us for not abandoning President Jonathan, others blamed us for not flowing with the band wagon. They mocked Ndigbo to no end, assuring us that the South East has surely lost out completely in National Assembly leadership. Many assured us, we will be sidelined, oppressed and afflicted.

All expected Ndigbo to switch sides and pursue solely political accommodation of any sort without convictions. What a great pity. Surprisingly, so many pretended they have conveniently forgotten where Ndigbo stand in the debate for a successful Nigeria. Ndigbo stand for a restructured Nigeria anchored on true federalism, based on regional autonomy. They told the world so 48 years ago at Aburi, Ghana, they are echoed it at Gen. Sani Abacha’s constitutional conference 20 years ago. They reaffirmed it at the 2014 Confab, because we truly want Nigeria to survive Our vote pattern is synonymous with our conviction; that only true federalism will take us to the Promised Land.

Yes, we all know that the political class is dominated by hypocrites and crass opportunists, who will decamp and join Boko Haram tomorrow if (God forbid) Abubaker Shekau seizes central power tomorrow. These politicians who do not believe in anything except their pockets, will shamelessly and gleefully announce that Abubaker Shekau is the saviour Nigeria needs, just like they did 17 years ago at the two million man rally in Abuja. Men without honour. Apostles of any government in power. 

These leeches and vultures who dominate the political space cannot take away the core values and beliefs of a people, no matter how much they tried. Ndigbo believes in a restructured Nigeria, where no man is oppressed, where the unjust containment of Ndigbo in five states is removed, where all are equal, where no section is born to rule. Mocking us, abusing us and telling us we will be punished by the next government, probably vindicates our vote pattern and reminds the younger generation of the task to sustain the struggle for freedom from internal domination. The joke really is on our compatriots who promise to wage a war of attrition and pursue a scorched earth policy towards Ndigbo. They probably do not know that we are used to all that already.

The 2015 election have come and gone, but the spate of abuses poured on the great Igbo nation by all sorts of characters, from all quarters is both annoying and eye opening. Some blamed us for not abandoning President Jonathan, others blamed us for not flowing with the band wagon. They mocked Ndigbo to no end, assuring us that the South East has surely lost out completely in National Assembly leadership. Many assured us, we will be sidelined, oppressed and afflicted.

Read full article here:

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