Saturday, 21 February 2015

The battle begins! Amber rose replies Kanye west

Lesson learned: don't mess with Amber!,if i were Kanye, i would have just kept ma mouth shut.. cos he just feel into a boiling soup...lolz

Before we get to the hilarity that is Amber's Twitter account, let's recap the crazy events that have transpired over the past few weeks.
After Rose called out the inappropriateness of Kylie Jenner and Tyga's illegal relationship, Khloe Kardashian threw the model's past as a stripper back in her face, which then opened up a rabbit hole of back and forth insults. See her tweets after the cut
Her x-rated reponse to kanye

 Kanye then went on radio this morning to slam the 31-year-old for the comments she made about his wife,Kim Kardashian West, and obviously what he said cut extra deep considering the two dated for a bit in early 2008. When asked about amber, West responded:

"Amber's just soaking in the moment. If Kim had dated me when I wanted, there would be no Amber Rose. It's very hard for a woman to wanna be with someone that's with Amber Rose. I had to take thirty showers before I got with Kim." oooouch dat hurts!how could he ever say that!

Well, the fierce momma of one didn't take too kindly to the jab and she quickly took to Twitter to take her kanye west and kim down.
Rose tweeted:

Honestly, this feud is sort of sad when you consider that Amber and Kanye had a fine relationship up until now.
One thing is clear, though… Rose really knows how to throw a punch and she throws it hard too

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