Saturday 7 February 2015

Meet Mega stars who are really horible people.

 1. Jimmy Page

Jimmy is widely considered one of the world’s best guitarists, which is fair. His time with Led Zeppelin produced some of the best known music of the 70’s. All members of the band have a great reputation for being crazy rock stars (“I heard they once used a live shark as a dildo!”) You can be a rock god and stay badass without going past the limits. Apparently Jimmy does not know where to stop. In 1972 he kidnapped a 14 year old girl, had sex with her and then hid her for years to avoid prison. Yes, what a keeper. Lori Maddox said that Jimmy’s roadie threw her in the back of his limo and said “You fucking move and I’ll fucking have your head.” So after they had gross illegal underage sex, Jimmy kept her behind locked doors so that their relationship would not be discovered. Lori actually stayed with him for years later saying the whole thing was “romantic.”  He never saw the inside of a court house (for this anyways) and walked away without so much as a slap on the hand. Bet you didn’t know about that fun Jimmy Page story.

2. Vince Neil

While Led Zeppelin was well known for their crazy rock star behavior, Motely Crue take the cake for hardest partying band. In 1984 Vince Neil, the lead singer, was having a house party. I guess they got to the end of their chips and soda (i.e. drugs and booze) and Vince decided to act like a moron and drunkenly drive to the nearest store with his friend Razzle in the car. Of course they hit another car head-on and Razzle was killed instantly while the other driver and passenger were hospitalized. Why wasn’t he charged and put away? Being THAT famous has its perks. Vince later said “I wrote a $2.5 million check for vehicular manslaughter when Razzle died. I should have gone to prison. I definitely deserved to go to prison. But I did 30 days in jail and got laid and drank beer, because that’s the power of cash. That’s fucked up.” Yes, yes it is Vince.

3. Sean Penn

He is kind of old and gross now (someone really should tell Charlize Theron), but back in the day he was considered really sexy. He wasn’t doing those starving kid commercials or spending all his money on letting the world know that the Iraq War was just for oil.  What we like to remember Sean for isn’t riding around on his high horse, screaming about how he is the most righteous person alive or even his considerable talent in acting, but for pulling the original Chris Brown. Yes, you read that correctly. Sean was married to the young and upcoming singer, Madonna. Well their marriage went south quickly and he decided the best thing to do was to tie her to a chair and assault her for hours. He ran out of booze (oh no!) and came back to continue. She finally escaped after telling Sean she had to go to the bathroom. What we don’t understand is why Sean thought she should have some privacy to pee when he had no problem beating the stuffing out of her and emotionally abusing her for hours. Madonna had him arrested but did not press charges because she did not want a media circus. So he was let go scot-free.

4. Charles Dickens

Everyone knows the Muppets’ Christmas Carol. Well, that is based off a Dickens’ novel. Yeah way! He is a famous author that is known internationally for his sharp critique of the Victorian Revolution in England. What you might not know is that Charles really hated fatties. He really puts the dick in Dickens. He married Catherine Hogarth and they had 10 children together in 22 years, but then she got fat and he started an affair with an 18 year old. Cheating on your wife who stood by your side when you were an unknown writer is a horrible thing to do, but he couldn’t stop it at that. Once he went public with his mistress, he went to every newspaper that would have him calling his wife a fat ass, an idiot and an “unloving and unloved mother” who planned to stick him with all of their 10 children. So why don’t people know about this? Catherine never said anything about his betrayal. She never went to journals or papers to fight him. In fact the only thing she did until the day she died was give some love letters he wrote for her and said “Give these to the British Museum, that the world may know he loved me once.” If that does not break your heart, you are dead inside.

5. Dr. Dre

When you think about Dre you might think of his awesome headphones or Eminem. He was a pretty big star in his own right when he hit the rap scene with his crew N.W.A. in 1989. They were rapping about wanting to kill the police, getting it on with the ladies, and being an overall gangsta. In 1990, Dee Barnes interviewed Ice Cube, another member of N.W.A., so they decided to beat the crap out of her. When Dr. Dre saw her at a record release party after the interview, he managed to sweet talk her to the side of the party and “began slamming her face and the right side of her body repeatedly against a wall near the stairway.” This was in front of the whole party while his bodyguard held the crowd off. He tried to throw her down the stairs and when he failed he starting kicking her in the ribs. When she managed to get up, he chased her into the women’s bathroom where he donkey punched her for a bit longer. This was her side of the story. When members of N.W.A. were asked about it, they said “the bitch deserved it” and “bitch had it coming.” Thankfully Dee Barnes tried to sue him for $22.5 million. Unfortunately, he managed to talk his way out of it- 240 hours of community service, two years’ probation and an anti-violence PSA was his punishment. His career didn’t suffer and he went on to sell 4.5 million copies of his album “The Chronic.”

6. Johnny Cash

After “Walk the Line” came out, Johnny became a superstar again. He was the original bad boy in country music. Of course no one seems to remember the time he almost wiped out a species of birds. We kid you not. Cash was going through Los Padres National Forest in central California. His truck overheated and it went up in flames. Like a normal person, Cash went fishing instead of trying to find help. The fire spread and burned a square mile of the forest. Here comes the bird part: 49 California Condors were killed by the fire. This was approximately 50% of the entire species. So what happened? The government sued him and they settled for a $82,000 fine. Of course it took over $30 million to attempt to conserve these birds. His defense? He was sorry but “I don’t give a damn about your yellow buzzards.”

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