Thursday 24 January 2013

‘American Idol’ Recap: Nicki Minaj Curses Out Mariah Carey & Walks Out

American Idol Charlotte Auditions

Just when we thought Nicki and Mariah were finally starting to get along, the two divas proved there’s only room for one Queen Bee on this show! Read on for all the juicy Nicki/Mariah drama — and, oh yeah, did I mention there were contestants?

We all know Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj aren’t ones to shy away from confrontation, but we never thought it would go this far! Aside from the typical battling egos, raised voices and fabulously big hair, there were some major threats made on the Jan. 23 episode. Hey Nicki and Mariah, why can’t we all just get along?

The Battle Of Nicki & Mariah

Let’s be honest, we were all waiting for Nicki and Mariah to duke it out, and tonight they did not disappoint. After news broke in Oct. 2012 that Nicki cursed out Mariah on camera and reportedly said, “If I had a gun, I would shoot the b**ch,” off camera, fans everywhere were waiting for the night when they would get to see the drama unfold for themselves. Well ladies and gentlemen, tonight the fuse was lite.
The major trouble started on day two of auditions when contestant Summer Cunningham sang a brilliant country version of “Lean on Me.” Her big voice was sure to warrant a “yes” from all four judges. But it wasn’t that simple. Keith asked Summer what kind of music she saw herself singing. She simply replied by saying, “I’ve done the country thing.” From there the normally uber calm Keith Urban got a little feisty. This only provoked Randy and Mariah to jump in and criticize Summer for not knowing what type of music she would like to pursue.
Now, here’s where it gets really fun. Nicki watched her fellow judges with a stone cold stare the whole time. She finally interrupted and called everyone out for picking the contestants apart — namely Summer. Mariah fired back saying, “I’m trying to help her.” This prompted raised voices, bickering and many, many F bombs from Nicki.
As Nicki and Mariah went back and forth arguing about whether they are actually helping the contestants or if they are “forcing them to lie,” as Nicki suggested, poor Summer just stood there with a confused but pleasant smile on her face. After all, she did make it through to Hollywood!
The battle of the divas culminated when Nicki cursed out Mariah and said, “I’m sorry I can’t help her,” as she proceeded to get up and leave for the day. “Finish the show. I’m done,” Nicki said as she stormed off set.
Reportedly, producers and hairdressers heard Nicki say,  “If I had a gun, I would shoot the b**ch.” Now, Idol didn’t show this on camera, but tensions were definitely high on tonight’s episode, that’s for sure!
Although production was shut down for the rest of the second day due to the Nicki and Mariah diva-off, 37 amazing voices still got golden tickets, and I’m personally extremely excited to see what these contestants have for us in Hollywood.
Wonder what they are really beefing about? Do you know?

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